

Current Research



The Research Unit addresses issues relating to the environmental dimensions of spatial planning, the relationship of environmental policy to urban and regional planning, design and planning for human and natural ecosystems in general, and in particular, such as:

  • integrated coastal zone management,
  • integrated river basin management,
  • sustainable tourist development, integrated development of island regions, etc.

at a national, Mediterranean and European level.

The activities of the Laboratory extend to the Mediterranean level having a long experience and practice at issues referring to the Mediterranean sea such as:

  • the CAMP (Coastal Areas Management Project),
  • the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership,
  • MAP (Marine Action Plan) and
  • a long cooperation with PAP (Priority Actions Programme)

on ICZM guidelines, tourism carrying capacity, sustainable development etc.

Recent research concerned integrating spatial analysis approaches into coastal and marine planning by obtaining ideas for structuring planning frameworks.

The team has also examined ways to bridge science and policy and promote innovative tools and methodologies for a multispatial and intersectoral coastal and marine spatial planning and have given emphasis in benchmarks for assessing progress towards ICZM, structuring coastal spatial planning at multiple scales, incorporation of coastal and marine planning in a Sustainable Development framework, dissemination of knowledge, exchange of experience worldwide (research activities through the Thematic Network Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning in the context of the ENCORA Project, the European Platform for Coastal Research).